Why Now Brown Cow?

Why now Brown Cow?

Given that one of the running themes of my business advice is to JUST START it... I opted (for once) to take some of my own wise old advice.
— - JM

Why me? Why now? What sets me apart and why so late to the game? 

All good questions. I am admittedly completely new to blogging, and really rather daunted by it. I have found myself ballsing up and "just doing it"  because I have been told that I should blog, and I have read enough about the power of blogs and have heard interesting and inspirational things that have sprung from a blog, but I must admit it feels vast and un-tappable, if that is a usable word! 
I started a company two years ago, a jewelry company (original I know), and in the course of this learning curve -- well, less of a curve and more of an incline -- I came across many other female entrepreneurs that were all so honest, and so humble and so generous with their time, their resources, their humor and their wine, that I felt a real sense of community and common ground.

I rallied this motley but ambitious crew in to regular meet ups, and found our topics so diverse and yet universal, that I was inspired to start a blog of the clumsy and unsophisticated process that is starting your own company, and doing so whilst out of your depth and with immense imposter syndrome! I have a whole barrage of topics I both think are relevant and have either dealt with or could use help dealing with! I have sent many a verbally animated email between entrepreneurs, and had many an evolved chin-wag on topic, and the feedback is consistantly that these should be written down, and yet when it comes to writing these posts, I feel enormously under-qualified, and the prospect of putting them out their felt like donating my last drop of water to the ocean! 

But! Given that one of the running themes of my business advice is to JUST START it, just do it, one task, one email, and one curiosity at a time, and keep showing up, I opted (for once) to take some of my own wise old advice.

Bare with me! Every crumb of my being is work in progress! #wipit

Bare with me! Every crumb of my being is work in progress! #wipit
- Jayne Moore